

Organisational membership provides your art education team with wide-ranging support for better practice and professional inspiration for high quality teaching and learning. 

NSEAD has four Organisational membership options

  • Primary Schools
  • Art and Design Departments & Cultural Organisations
  • International Schools
  • Academy Trusts                              

"NSEAD brings sector-wide knowledge that can help bring confidence to trusts when they design their own strategies and development plans. NSEAD knows the bigger issues for art, craft and design, and can broker their expertise to nurture groups of schools who are beginning to consider how to improve and enhance their offer."

Dr Steven Berryman, Director of Creativity, Music and Culture at The Charter School Educational Trust and President of the Chartered College

What are the benefits of Organisational membership?

  • Expert events
  • Leadership at scale CPD
  • Bespoke training
  • Publications and resources
  • Discounted CPD and events
  • Networking
  • Facebook groups
  • Multiple website users
  • Newsletter
  • Partner discounts

See a comprehensive list of member benefits here

NSEAD unites arts educators of all phases and stages; contribute to the big issues and let’s ensure we can be the best educators for every pupil and trainee

— Steven Berryman, Director Arts, Culture, Community Odyssey MAT , NSEAD Vice President

Join now as an Organisational Member

Please select a membership option or request an invoice

Primary School
Art Dept / Cultural Organisation
International School
Academy Trusts