
Trainee Teacher

Our Trainee Teacher Pathway gives trainee teachers three years’ of highly discounted Trade Union AND Professional Associate membership. Only pay £1 today for your trainee year and once you graduate and begin working as an Early Career Teacher (ECT) receive 50% off Trade Union membership for two years. That's a two-in-one subscription, trade union, subject association for the same price as membership of any other education trade union.

How it works:

  • Sign up for trainee teacher membership today and pay just £1
  • You will not pay any membership fees until Oct 2024
  • Automatic, no hassle transfer to ECT membership
  • When you're an ECT you'll get 50% off Trade Union membership
  • Two-in-one subscription, covering all your professional needs
  • From Oct 2024 only pay £8.16 p/m (normally £16.25 p/m)
  • Cancel, with no hassle, at any time, with no fees

What are the benefits of Trainee Teacher membership?

  • Trade Union protection in the workplace
  • Professional advice on all aspects of employment in art, craft and design education
  • Specialist representation from Art, Craft and Design educators and teachers
  • Legal advice and representation
  • A prompt and personal response to enquiries within 24 hours
  • A designated Senior Case Worker as the sole point of contact from start to finish (except for unforeseen circumstances, you would always deal with the same person)

Plus all the standard member benefits:

  • Online Resources and Publications
  • Professional Development
  • Professional Community
  • Wellbeing Support
  • Advocacy for our subject and our profession
  • Exclusive Discounts

See a comprehensive list of member benefits here.

Your resources and the level of support you provided during my training years were exemplary

— Varun Jyothykumar , Past NSEAD Trainee Teacher Member

Join now as a Trainee Teacher Member

Please select a membership option

One-off registration fee